Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Cottage

Here's my experimental house from Hobby Lobby that I referred to in a previous post.  It's the $29 house from Greenleaf that they call "The Orchid".  Very thin, less than optimal quality wood and cuts. But, it's do-able.  I was pretty pleased with the project and got to use a lot of my old inexpensive furnishings from 20-25 years ago. Fun project to prepare me for the big house....

The Cottage pre landscaping. You can't see it very well, but I hand painted the roof shingles after I put each one on seperately. I wanted to make the roof look kind of old and stained by the weather.

The Living Room - I made the couch out of an old leather purse, the table out of an old broken table and 2 spindles and the other stuff is from my old stash....

I love tiny things!

I bought a miniature bare light bulb, painted it red with nail polish, and installed it in an old cheap fireplace that I painted white....

These are my original kitchen appliances from years ago. I repainted them white, with faux granite on the sink top, and put on new cabinet knobs. The rug was needlepoint years ago.

I made the pie recently with polymer clay. It's a cherry pie! I also installed a light in the refrigerator. I wanted to have a man drinking milk from the jug with the fridge door open...wonder where I got that idea... 

The bed was cut down from a full to a twin years ago. I recently painted it white and made some new linens for it. The dresser and accessories are a recent aquisition from Ebay. I love it!

I made the magazine for the bed...photoshop, etc.

The bathroom. Again, recycled fixtures. They had yellowed stickers of roses on them, so I just scrubbed and bleached them...good as new!

1 comment:

  1. I am completely amazed at your craftiness! Very impressive.
